Web3 enables a new culture of coordination and cooperatives. Goals Protocol is being built with this is as a core belief, which our practices will reflect. From regular community calls and eventually forming a governance DAO, to plans to generously airdrop the token to early supporters and contributors that help us bring the vision to life.

We’re currently building a support network of advisors, operators, future users, and investors who want to help bring this vision to life. If you want to join - and help empower users to achieve their goals through the power of crypto incentives, feel free to fill this form here or get in touch.

![Fun piece of internet history: This is a picture taken at Decentralised Web Camp 2019 by Jay Graber (leading Twitter’s Blue Sky, an org building an ‘open and decentralized standard for social media’). It’s a group of o.g pioneers who shaped the internet as we know it today - and Jay has a wonderful write-up on conversation here.

Our hope is for the community of supporters to act as a similar source of inspiration, intelligence, and value towards Goals Protocol - and we hope to have Goals Protocol help supporters achieve their goals.](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/03610151-1635-45a8-90f3-9a263d6aa93f/Untitled.png)

Fun piece of internet history: This is a picture taken at Decentralised Web Camp 2019 by Jay Graber (leading Twitter’s Blue Sky, an org building an ‘open and decentralized standard for social media’). It’s a group of o.g pioneers who shaped the internet as we know it today - and Jay has a wonderful write-up on conversation here.

Our hope is for the community of supporters to act as a similar source of inspiration, intelligence, and value towards Goals Protocol - and we hope to have Goals Protocol help supporters achieve their goals.

Goals Protocol Early Braintrust